The Five Schnauzeteers

We are five extraordinarily attractive schnauzers

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Anonymous is not very nice

Some person or persons who are too cowardly to leave a name so they leave themselves "anonymous" have not been very nice to Max in their comments. As a result, Max does not wish to blog further. Preston and Trouble have chosen to show solidarity with their fellow Canine-Americans and also will not blog.

The Triumverate


  • At October 20, 2006 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How am I not nice to Max? I've mentioned just how good he looks following his recent grooming, after his negligent owner let his hair grow way too long, I often compare him to a walrus, which is a highly respect animal in Alaska with a very large penis! What else can I do!

  • At October 20, 2006 1:11 PM, Blogger Amy W. said…

    You called me fat!

    And my owner just appreciates how ADORABLE I look in long hair. (So does she!!)

    I have a feeling that if you asked a random sample of people, they would NOT feel that being compared to a walrus is a compliment. I don’t care how my penis compares – I’ve been neutered!

    - Max


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